ReThink Tobacco News
Rethink Tobacco Indiana would like to share the following information and resources with you and your organization:
In-Person Training Opportunities:
May 20-23rd – Tobacco Treatment Specialist Core Training | Sponsored by Rethink Tobacco Indiana and partners. Click here to view training details.
Upcoming Online Learning Opportunities:
March 22nd @ 2pm ET— American Lung Association’s “Private Insurance and Tobacco Cessation – An Update”
April 3rd @ 12pm ET - San Francisco Health Network’s “Integrating Tobacco Cessation Services in Addiction Treatment Settings”
April 9th @ 2pm ET – Smoking Cessation Leadership Center & ATTUD present, “The Glass is Half Full: Smoking cessation for smokers with opioid use disorder”
Recorded— Rethink Tobacco Indiana, “Navigating Medication Options for Smoking Cessation in Mental Health”
Articles of Interest:
“E-Cigarettes Linked to Heart Attacks, Coronary Artery Disease and Depression" - Researchers from the University of Kansas School of Medicine- Wichita have analyzed data from the National Health Interview Survey and have presented their findings at the American College of Cardiology’s Annual Scientific Session this past March 2019.
2019 Indiana County Health Rankings – The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently released new [County%20Health%20Rankings%20&%20Roadmaps]county health rankings & roadmaps. Marion County ranks 91 out of 92 for overall rankings in health factors or what influences the health of a county. Click here to see where your county ranks for adult smoking.
In an effort to better support behavioral health consumers, the Indiana Tobacco Quitline has expanded its program offerings to include a more intensive Tobacco Cessation Behavioral Health program! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Callers who enroll in the free Indiana Tobacco Quitline program who report having a mental health challenge will be enrolled in the Tobacco Cessation Behavioral Health program which is designed to include enhanced behavioral and pharmacological support such as:
7 scheduled calls with assigned Quit Coach
12-week regimen of combination nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
A letter sent to caller’s mental health provider informing of the patient’s quit attempt
Indiana is the 5th state, served by Optum, to implement this program! New provider materials will be available in the coming weeks. Please reach out if you have any questions regarding this new program offering!