Increasing the cost of tobacco to prevent youth from starting and others to quit Jordan MossSeptember 17, 2018HealthierIndiana, TobaccoFree, E-Cigs, Awareness
Did Juul Lure Teenagers and Get ‘Customers for Life’? Jordan MossAugust 28, 2018HealthierIndiana, Awareness, TobaccoFree, stopJuuling
Big Tobacco’s Global Reach on Social Media Jordan MossAugust 28, 2018KidsInTrouble, Awareness, August, HealthierIndiana, TobaccoFree
Switching to e-cigarettes not a healthy choice; can damage DNA, up cancer risk Jordan MossAugust 23, 2018stopJuuling, TobaccoFree, KidsInTrouble, E-Cigs, HealthierIndiana
The illegal JUUL copycats that are flooding the market Jordan MossAugust 10, 2018E-Cigs, KidsInTrouble